Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon

KDF marathon

Every year I go through the decision making process of whether or not to run the Kentucky Derby Festival half marathon.  I have not graduated up to the full marathon yet for one main reason.  That reason and the decision making process all centers around one key element: TIME.

I have determined that busyness is a relative term.  Before we had kids, I thought I was busy.  Now that we have kids, I think “What did we use to do with all our time?”  Every new stage of life a person enters into comes with its own set of challenges that seem to take up all of our time.  I would imagine that in a few years when we enter into the next phase of life and the demands for our time changes, we will once again ask ourselves, “What did we use to do with all our time?”

So even though TIME is the key element in my decision making process, it is not because I am busy or don’t have enough it.  It is because I value it and want to use it wisely.  I have a wife and two children that I love to give my time.  Going into training mode requires that the time that I have with those people gets diminished.  Do I value running in the half marathon more than the time I have with my family?

For a full marathon, I can expect to double that commitment in time each day and duration of the training program.  My training program for a half is about 2 good months, which is pretty short.  I would expect to train for four months for a full.

So the question remains and will remain for at least a few more weeks.  Everything you need to know to participate in the KDF marathon can be found here or from one of the links below.

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